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Modul Controller für Plesk 10.x
Sunday, 07 November 2010 00:00
Notice, since Plesk 10.1.1 the old implementation has to be used! Info here!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 14:53
Greylisting Manager 1.1
Monday, 01 November 2010 13:39

This version allows to establish a remote connection to access the GLM data. The admin has to enable this function in the administration. After that every domain is qualified for the remote access. In the domain overview, settings just enable the dropdownbox "remote access". After that a token is generated which you need for a remote access.

For the remote access a valid plesk account and a valid token are needed.

A samplescript for the remote access can be downloaded here! A Joomla module is also avaiable in the download area.

Spamdyke Control Panel 2.4
Wednesday, 20 October 2010 16:12

This version allows to establish a remote connection to access the SCP data. The admin has to enable this function at:
administration -> misc. settings. After that every domain is qualified for the remote access. In the domain overview, settings just enable the right dropdownbox "remote access". After that a token is generated which you need for a remote access.

For the remote access a valid plesk account and a valid token are needed.

A samplescript for the remote access can be downloaded here!

Spamdyke Control Panel Joomla Module
Thursday, 21 October 2010 14:52
In fact that the SCP is offering a remote access I wrote a Joomla (1.5) module. That module offers a quick and easy integration of the remote data from the SCP2. Simply install and fill in the required data. The modul runs on as well. The you'll find here.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 October 2010 15:06
FTP User Manager 1.6
Thursday, 14 October 2010 14:36
User with a "-" in the username can be added now. New function to check if a user is working and pointing to the correct directory.

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