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FTP User Manager 1.4.5
Thursday, 24 December 2009 03:25
In this version a shell access can be granted with the added FTP user. But only if the admin allow that for the selected domain.

FTP User Manager 1.4
Wednesday, 02 December 2009 16:27
Since this version the administrator has the possibility to set the number of allowed FTP accounts of the domain user.

Spamdyke Control Panel 2.3.1
Tuesday, 13 October 2009 12:56
This update contains the datefix for the SUsE-systems. Thanks for the support to quantumjump of the SSF. As well two requests from Ulrich are included. The live country detection can be enabled/disabled by the admin for every user. In the the new parameter WHOIS_DETECT has beed added. This is for the daily reports in which way the country will be detected.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 October 2009 13:09
Spamdyke Control Panel 2.3.2
Saturday, 31 October 2009 02:03

Due to a lot of requests in this update the automatic abuse function was implemented. In the IP-Check all E-Mail adresses will be tagged as a function. With a single click you can send automatically an E-Mail to the reciepent that their server is sending spam. The settings/templates for that E-Mail can be edited in the Administratio->Misc.Settings.

The function is exclusiv for the server admin.

Sub & Domain Manager 1.7.2
Monday, 12 October 2009 12:27
Due to a lot of requests the SDM were extended with the frame-forward for the subdomains.

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