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Greylisting Manager - Changelog

Version 2.7
Plesk 17.8.x Support

Version 2.6
Full Plesk Onyx Support

Version 2.5.2

Bugfix SQLite rights after running GLM

Version 2.5.1
Performanceupdate for personal white-/blacklists

Version 2.5
Plesk 12 performance optimize

Version 2.4.2
Security issue fix. Reseller were able to see the administration!!

Version 2.4.1
Bugfix serverwide white/blacklists for Plesk 11 and higher

Version 2.4
Fixes for Plesk 12.x.x and automatic setup of sqlite database rights

Version 2.3.2
Fix for E-Mail aliases when trying to put then on a personal list

Version 2.3.1
Fixes for Plesk 11.5.x

Version 2.3
Quicklink integration in the left Menu of the Plesk Panel for the admin

Version 2.2.1
Improvement of the mail analysis

Version 2.2
Analyze mail communication to show the mail processing of qmail

Version 2.1.2
Bugfix deleting personal white/blacklists in Plesk 11

Version 2.1.1
Bugfix editing personal white/blacklists in Plesk 11

Version 2.1
Several bugfixes in personal white/blacklists and administration

Version 2.0.6
Bugfix that no one execpt the admin can access the GLM

Version 2.0.5
Bugfix if a additional domain user in Plesk 10 try to use the GLM

Version 2.0.4
Code review to prevent unnecessary warnings

Version 2.0.3
Fixes the error while try to add an entry to the personal blacklist

Version 2.0.2
Bugfix of the datebox at the domain and overview

Version 2.0.1

Bugfix for Plesk 9.x to run GLM.

Version 2.0

Complete new GUI and code redesign. Fully ajax improved.

Version 1.2.7
View fix for Plesk 10.4.x

Version 1.2.6
Fullscreen mode for Plesk 10 added and polish language file included.

Version 1.2.5
Bugfix for Plesk 10. Wrong CSS implementation!

Version 1.2.4
New jQuery 1.4.2 embedded and bugfix of personal white-/blacklists

Version 1.2.3
Bugfix of IP-Info and statistics view! (not shown after click)

Version 1.2.2
Implementation for Plesk Version 10.1.1 and higher so use the FUM without
the HaggybearController. Custombutton path is like in Plesk 9. (e.g. /glm/index.php)

Version 1.2.1

Personal white/blacklists improved for silent adding from the overview

Version 1.2
Personal white/blacklists added to set different lists for each email address

Version 1.1.1
Supertoken for admin remote access added

Version 1.1
Remote access added to read the glm details via xml

Version 1.0.2
Fix for Safari to browse and use the administration. GLM Flattr-Button embedded.
Flattr-Button can be deactivated in

Version 1.0.1
Many layout fixes. Collecting and checking of IP/email data improved and speeded up.
French translation added. Thanks to losdelsolo ( Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. ) !!

Version 1.0.0

Automatic abuse function for admin to inform the webmaster of the spamming server. The template for the generated mail can be edited in the administration. Some Bugs are fixed for the final V1.0.0

Version 0.9.9
White/Blacklist management improved and some view fixes.

Version 0.9.5

CSV export added and some fixes in domain view

Version 0.9.2
Fix in overview statistics that all domains are shown again

Version 0.9.1
Fix for IE

Version 0.9
filter settings are staying during a search and quiet placement of the IPs to the white/blacklist

Version 0.0.5
New icon by and lists fix for IP entries

Version 0.0.4
Spanish language added domain statistics in overview added

Version 0.0.3
selection "all" fixed, and date selection added

Version 0.0.2
white/blacklist management added and bugfix in administration view

Version 0.0.1

first public release


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